Moba | Egg Grading Machines

Are you looking to invest in a high-speed egg grading machine? Moba are represented by Advanced Packaging Systems in New Zealand and offer egg graders from 18,000 to 255,000 eggs per hour! 

As you analyse the cost factors with modern egg grading and packing, three top factors are evident: 

  1. Packaging costs
  2. Labour costs
  3. Losses throughout the process 

A well designed and maintained egg grading machine will account for only a fraction of the total cost, when compared with these three points which make up 80 to 90% of the costs. 

It is Moba’s firm belief that their customers benefit the most from their investment when these top three factors are significantly reduced. 

Deciding on the most suitable machine for your grading room by evaluating the equipment specifications, efficiency, yield, uptime, and residual value will help to lower the total cost of ownership. 

Moba aims to be the partner of choice when it comes to making these crucial decisions. Through Advanced Packaging Systems you can rely on 30 years of local knowledge and experience to guide you through this process. 



Moba Forta GT

A game changer in the egg industry.

Omnia Series

Moba’s premium line of egg grading and packing machines.

Moba Forta GT

Read about this product below, or contact us for more details.


Moba Forta GT

There are three aspects within egg grading that are fundamental to ensuring a worry-free operation: 

  1. Topline Technology: Ensuring the equipment includes the latest innovations, with user friendly control interfaces and specifications which match the capacity needs of your operation.
  2. Future-proof Machine Platform: Moba understand that every operation is dynamic and will change as the organisation grows. Therefore, it is essential the equipment is expandable to meet your current and future requirements.
  3. Hygienic Design: Producing food which is safe to consume requires the equipment to be easy to clean. 

All of the above aspects are required for Moba Egg Grading Equipment. The Forta GT range is perfectly aligned with these aspects by incorporating Topline Technology, such as the “Individual Egg Handling” concept. This ensures that as soon as the eggs arrive at the infeed section, any contact between the eggs is avoided to reduce the chance of cross contamination as they travel to the end of line consumer pack. 

In addition, all of the current market requirements for hygiene are met, through the use of a washable infeed and packing lanes having removable parts for cleaning after production. 

Having a maximum capacity of 100 cases per hour, the Forta GT is a game changer in the egg industry! It can be expanded with various detection devices such as an Egg Inspector, Crack Detector and Blood Detector, along with packing lane options to accommodate your specific operation. 

This makes the Forta GT your future-proof machine platform. 

Forta GT

Moba Forta GT – Product Specifications

 Technical Data

Moba Forta GT

Max. capacity


Max. capacity


Max. number of packing lanes
(combination of manual and automatic) 


Infeed rows




Length* L @ number of lanes

*in combination with space reserved for dropgate in track and inkjet for printing on both sides of the egg. Length can be reduced by 738mm, in shortest configuration. 

2 lanes

L = 4393

4 lanes

L = 5869

6 lanes

L = 7345

8 lanes

L = 8821

10 lanes

L = 10297

12 lanes

L = 11773

14 lanes

L = 13249

16 lanes

L = 14725

18 lanes

L = 16201

Moba Forta GT Sales Brochure


Moba Omnia

Read about this product below, or contact us for more details.


Moba Omnia

The Omnia is Moba’s premium line of egg grading and packing machines. Maintaining the highest standard in food safety combined with Moba’s famous individual egg handling, the Omnia is easily the most efficient machine available. 

Every Omnia is fitted with an extensive software suite providing numerous tools to maximise use of every incoming egg. Having a variety of analytic tools allows you to continuously optimize your production. 

The Omnia is continuously being improved and developed to take advantage of the latest technologies on the market, giving you confidence in having many years of worry-free operation. 

Overview of the different Omnia Series

Available capacity range

Various models in cases/hour





6 Eggs

12 Eggs

18 Eggs

24 Eggs



Solid base for your egg grading needs.







Everything the XF2 offers, plus additional hygiene functions in the infeed section.







Everything the FT offers, plus additional control and hygiene functions throughout the machine.





Moba Omnia Series Sales Brochure

Omina XF2


Omnia XF2

The Omnia XF Series are operated by thousands of customers around the world including New Zealand and is the biggest installed base within the egg industry. Combining Moba’s unsurpassed individual egg handling with removable packer parts for easy cleaning, the XF stands for “eXtended Food Safety”. 

The new XF2 has received a hygiene upgrade and expansion on capacity from 45,000 up to 255,000 eggs per hour. The ease of cleaning is what sets the XF2 apart, with an infeed system that can be cleaned entirely using foam cleaning agents and high-pressure cleaning systems. Designed with an open frame infeed system, Moba have ensured there are no dirt traps.

The following Food Safety features are offered as standard on the XF2:

Food safe during production

  • Tracking & Tracing standard 
  • Orientator above the egg flow 
  • UV on rollers and eggs to reduce the risk of cross-contamination 
  • Leaker and dirt detection above the egg flow 
  • Crack and shell strength detection above the egg flow
  • Critical egg outlet under weighing system to drop leaking and extremely cracked eggs
  • Weighing system above the egg flow
  • Blood detection besides the eggs
  • Egg-touching packer parts equipped with Moba ovoshield technology 

Easy cleaning after production

  • Constructed in Stainless Steel 
  • Open frame construction on infeed section, can be foamed and cleaned with a high-pressure hose 
  • COP for orientator grippers 
  • COP for packer parts (receiver + buffer + dropsets)


Omnia FT

The Omnia FT is one of the most efficient machines available within the Omnia series. It offers the same features as the XF2, with an added emphasis on hygiene functions in the infeed section. FT stands for “Food Technology” by combining the highest food safety standards in the industry with Moba’s famous individual egg handling.  

Having a robust yet open infeed construction provides access for easy maintenance and high-pressure cleaning and includes a cleaning in place (CIP) system for all rollers. Like the Omnia XF2, the FT is available in a range of capacities from 45,000 eggs per hour to 255,000 eggs per hour.

Omina XF2

The following Food Safety features are offered as standard on the FT:

Food safe during production

  • Outlet in the orientator (Multidrum) to release leaking eggs or heavy dirt as early in the process as possible 
  • Double hygienic roller function for non-egg-washing configurations 
  • Drip removal system for egg-washing configurations

Easy cleaning after production

  • Cleaning-in-place (CIP) system for cleaning the infeed rollers automatically after production
Omina PX


Omnia PX

It is Moba’s firm belief that Egg Producers benefit the most from their investment in Moba Egg Graders if labour costs, packaging costs, and product losses are significantly reduced. The Moba Omnia PX is the leading example within the egg grading industry for setting these standards. 

The Omnia PX achieves top efficiency by complying with the highest standards in food safety and hygiene and producing 2% more Grade A eggs. 

You can expect to receive everything the Omnia FT has to offer with the Omnia PX offering additional control and hygiene functions throughout. Having touch screens installed above the packing lanes to allow for quick product changes and fewer operator errors. In addition, all the machine parts that handle eggs are disinfected during production with UV. 

Like the Omnia XF2 and FT, the PX offers an extremely broad range of capacities from 45,000 eggs per hour to 255,000 eggs per hour.

The following Food Safety features are offered as standard on the PX:

Food safe during production

  • UV disinfection on egg-touching parts in weighing system
  • UV disinfection on transfer arms
  • UV disinfection on egg-grippers in tracks
  • Multi outlet for early removal of dirty eggs especially for dirt-rewash-return configurations 


  • Touch screens above packing lanes for quick product changes and fewer operator errors.

Easy cleaning after production

  • CIP system for weighing grippers (using ultra soon technology)
  • Egg printers are protected during cleaning
  • Foamable and high-pressure-cleanable transfer
  • CIP system for transport carriers in tracks
  • Foamable and high-pressure-cleanable packer parts
  • COP for packer parts can also be removed via easy removal system and cleaned externally
  • Heavy duty parts washer for COP purposes; cleaning parts while machine is operating
  • Foamable and high-pressure-cleanable packing lanes and end-conveyor 

Need more info?

Get in touch with us today through our contact form if you have any questions.